
Friday, September 27, 2019

Orana park

On Tuesday we went to Orana Park. Orana Park is were there a lot of animals like monkeys tigers and lions/grillers/wiled dogs/kiwi and more. My favorite animals were the lions and grillers they were my favorite because of how big they were, and how independent they are.

When we got there we dropped our bags and had some morning tea. after that, we went to the meercats we look at them for 5 mins and we moved on. we walk on this long path when we got to the end we went into a cage with some keas we stayed there for a little bit when we went out we went into a room our instructor talked about some keas.

We went to the kiwis we were going to took some photos but we were not allowed. In the cage the were two kiwis and one howl. when we walked in we had to get us to the dark. we look for a long time but we did not see one.

Four things that we learned at Orana park!!

  1. There is only one black rhino in the world 
  2. Dogs in the wild let other baby dogs eat before them
  3. Elephants are the only animal that can't jump
  4. A rhinoceros horn is made of hair.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Last week for art, in our stop motion we started to make our backdrops. My group's backdrop is about the ocean. Before we started to paint we got one vivid and screeched some rocks and waves. Then we started to paint the colors that we used was black blue and white. For the rocks, we mixed black and white, for the ocean we just painted it blue. For the sky, we mixed blue and white. My favorite was the painting because of the different colors. What would be your favorite thing to paint? My favorite thing that I would paint is about league!!


Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today we watched a documentary, the documentary was about climate change. I think this was the most interesting documentary I've ever watched I think this because I learned a lot about it.

I was surprised about how much information/facts was there was. I was excited about how much I learned. My favorite thing that I learned was how much refuges there is. I was worried about how much smoke the factory is proposing.  

In 2040 I think I would like to see is no body is using fil 

Monday, September 16, 2019


This week we have been working on division, division is my favorite because it is easy and it is a faster way to work out your answers to questions.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


This week in art we have made our stories come to life we have started to make the creatures that we're in our story out of clay. I and my group were really excited to do this because it had been a long time that I had done a stop motion with clay so far I'm my favorite part about making clay is the different ways that you do stuff. 

In our story, we were supposed to have 5 characters but we only had three so as we went on we had to make up some characters and characters are a great white shark a green turtle and octopus and a whale. I made the octopus and the green turtle the easiest out of the octopus and the green turtle I think was the turtle because there were small legs that you had to put on the octopus and they kept on breaking off. 

The shark the turtle the octopus and the whale they fit into our story by!! Our story is about stopping bullying. The shark is trying to eat the turtle and the octopus The Whale says what is happening and tries to help.

What I find hard, The thing that I found hard was to not get frustrated when my creations break like for example when my octopuses leave fall off and I have to recreate the whole thing. What I found easy, The thing that I found easy was not getting distracted and keep working and working till the creations were finished.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

C.I.P/ Tane Mahuta

Today we went to c.i.p/Tane mahuta and we started today off we went to the outdoor classroom first in the outdoor classroom we built a lip around the garden and moved all the rocks out of the way after we moved the rocks we trimed the trees. 

After that in C.I.P, we went to the garden and first, we took the cover off the garden and then we water the plants. After that, we raked the other side of the garden and we took all of the weeds out. Then we planted new plants like cabbage and more. Across from the garden is a little garden that was used for potatoes. We made a spot and raked it out. we got some seeds and sprinkled them all over.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hurumanu Solar Energy

Aim: To find out which color attracts the sun's heat.

Hypothesis: I think that the color black attracts the most heat because it absorbs everything coming in from the sun is the darkest color.


  1.  tin foil 
  2. black plastic  
  3.  clear cup
  4.  white cups x2
  5. paper
  6. heat lamp
  7. hot mixing  


  1. get one plastic cup with tin foil on it   
  2.  one clear cup and one normal cup
  3.  find a plug for the heat lamp
  4.  put water in the cup every 
  5.   every 15 mins check how hot the water is.


ConclusionToday we did a Science experiment,First we got all of our stuff and brought it to a table we set it all up, the teachers put the water in the cups And then we waited a few minutes and we tested what the water temperature was in each cup. 

This photo shows that we set up the cups and just put water in them. We were unfortunate enough that we did not get the heat lamp before everybody else we did not have one spare for us so we copy it off other people's findings are what their temperatures were. The unique aim of this experiment was to see what attracted the most heat the colors were silver black and white from our findings black attracted the most heat and then silver than white.

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ella west!!

Today Ella west came to our school Ella west is a book writer. She loves to write books she is also very good at it. She has one son she lives in Dunedin her son works on a farm. Ella west does not get a lot of money writing books but she said that she does it because she loves it.

One of the books that she wrote was night vision. She got the Idea from a journal the main idea that she got from the journal was there was a kid with XP, XP is a genetic disorder that makes you basically allergic to the sunlight. anther idea was a murder the person got murdered by getting burnt in a car on fire.

Rainfall was one another book Ella west wrote the book was made on July 22, 2002, the book was set in new Zeland/west to cost it rains a lot there the set was a murder/ crime scene.

My favorite thing about the story was the idea of getting murdered because I love the stories that are dramatic.  My favorite thing about when she told us how much money and how long it took to make the book. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

hunter and Paea


This week in Maori we have learned how to make a hangi. we watched a video on how to make a hangi. we watched a real-life version and a carton version. How to make a hangi. dig up a hole, make a fire then put the rocks on top, then put the wood on top then wait  for like 1 or 3 hours so the fire goes out  then take the hot rock with a shovel and put it in the hole we dug out.

Hurumanu Cellmate change

Today in science we have been learning about cellmate change and how. We have learned about the five things.

Cows, cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when cows fart of burp. methane is a greenhouse that is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide.

Food, we need food to survive, but it creates a lot of pollution landfill, our landfill is growing up an using up more healthy land.

Transportation, most cars need gas or diesel to work.

Electricity, electricity is a form of energy used to power almost all in homes.

factories, making clothes cars, electronics, and processed foods.        
These are the five things cows, food, transportation, electricity, factories that can destroy the climent change