
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Earth quakes

This term in HUR1 we have been learning about the Chch Earthquakes and how and why it happened. We also look at the re-billed of everything. We answer some questions about the and here is mine.

Q1. How have the Christchurch earthquakes affected Christchurch and the City?? The Christchurch earthquake caused extensive damage to infrastructure and buildings. Multiple buildings collapsed, and the city was impacted by burst water mains, flooding, liquefaction, and power outages. The port was damaged, and many roads cracked.
Q2. What are some of the positives and negatives that came out of the earthquakes?? The earthquakes destroyed the city so they had to re-build so that made the city better. In the earthquakes, 185 people died and 115 people died in the CTV building.

Q3.What are some of the things that citizens have changed to prevent earthquakes from ruining buildings again and the future?? They have in forced the motorway so they don't fall down. They made new schools, houses, hospitals, factories.
September 2010 Canterbury (Darfield) earthquake - September 2010 Canterbury  (Darfield) earthquake | NZHistory, New Zealand history onlineComparing the 2011 and 2016 NZ quakes

8 Water safety tips

Today I did some work on water safety tips, I did this because in a couple of days our class is going to jelly park and our teacher wants to know that we will be ok around water. Here is my work.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Science Work

 This is one of our science tasks. 

 What did Haritina find difficult about being at the research center? train for hat it would be like in space.


Why do you think it is important for astronauts to practice in an environment like this before heading into Space? I think it is important to practice in an environment like space before going to space because if anything go's wrong there would be a better chance that it would be ok.

        Wednesday, November 11, 2020


        Welcome back to my blog this week we learned about protests I learned about two protests. The first one I did was about the Vietnam war protest, did you know that there were more than 300 protests in 5 years and only a hand full were violent protests.

        The second protest I learned about was the Women's suffrage did you know that women's suffragee' means? The term has nothing to do with suffering but instead derives from the Latin word “suffragism,” meaning the right or privilege to vote.