
Friday, May 25, 2018


This week it is book week and every day we have been getting books.Some days we have to choose a box and open it or do a treasure hunt to find the book.One day the book was hickory  dickory Dash and the Second book First hippo on the moon.The third book was space and beyond The fourth book was fish in a tree. The first book was the person controller.The first hippo on the moon book.We did an activity on it.We got flour and water we put it on some fabric We Shaped it out the way that we wanted it.We painted over the water and paste After it's Dried And then when the paint dried we took the Flour and water off The fabric.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Caterpillar Investigation for Maths

Choose a number. If the number that you choose even halve the number and if it is even halve it again. If it is not even then add one and then keep on going until you get to one.

I found this hard at first but when I did one or two it got really easy.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Non Chronological Report

The last couple of weeks we have Been writing lots of Chronological reports it has been fun Writing them.


The eze air is a shoe.It was designed by Hunter. Six People Were asked to Investigate the eze air For one month.

The eze air is an awesome shoe. It is made out of aluminium.The sole of the shoe is Black.The top part of the shoe is blue.The laces are black and blue. You can buy metal sprigs to put on the bottom of the shoes then you can play rugby in the EZE AIR.You can play any sport in that EZE AIR, they are also good running shoes.

The designer made the shoe out of aluminium because it won't get ruined Until  your feet grow out of the shoes.

The shoes will be sold in the shops for $245

Thay make you run faster so you win races.